Agenda eventi

Winter School in Archives & Outreach 2019
Da Lunedì 28 Gennaio 2019
a Venerdì 01 Febbraio 2019
Oude Leeuwenrui 29,

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Since 2014 FARO (Flemish interface for cultural heritage) and The National Archives (UK) have organized the Summer and Winter Schools Archives & Education to assist archivists, education offi cers and keepers of special collections in their professional development. These training events have been a success and the participants have found it a unique experience.

For the fifth edition we’ve shifted the focus to the development of outreach programs with archives and special collections for mental health. During five days the participants, depending on their level of experience, are going to be guided in developing an off ering ranging for people with dementia in a residential setting to working with communities around mental health issues.

The participants will come into contact with a wide range of methods and instruments that already are been used by inspiring cases were archives and special collections are used for the improvement of the wellbeing of specifi c target groups. They will also be given some perspectives from the mental healthcare side by several mental health specialists.

  • Location: Antwerp (Flanders, Belgium)
  • Price : 400,- Euros (including VAT). For this you will get lunches, refreshments and snacks during the sessions and breaks, course materials and participation in the social program (i.e. fi eld trip on Wednesday 30th January 2019). All other expenses are borne by the participants. Attending the social program is not mandatory.
  • There’s a very large variation of accommodation in Antwerp
  • Participants are expected to bring their laptop.
  • Maximum 20 participants.

For further informatione see the pdf


Un progetto

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